I have talked about this before and I'm sure I'll talk about it again. My journey to real estate was unconventional. It only makes sense that my version of real estate would be a little unconventional too!

I spent half a decade learning how to be a designer in an environment created and curated by one of the greatest designers of the last century. I then took an experience few get, graduated and focus all my energy into a sales job. I have always struggled with my need to create but also my need to provide realistic options for clients. The reality of architecture is it is a luxury for the 1%. They get to truly experience, live in, and call incredible architecture home. The rest of us get moments: a perfect nook in the corner, a dining room that has thoughtfully designed windows and ceilings, a master bedroom retreat with a fireplace. The more time I spend in real estate the more I realize just how much each an every client craves these "moments" in their home. And, side note, finding these "moments" when selling a listing and marketing these "moments" - is how you sell it! #realtortip101
One of my favorite parts of real estate is helping people find that sweet spot in a home. When meeting buyers or renters, I get to know them on a human level. How they function, what makes them happy at the end of a long work week, what makes them smile on a Saturday morning. Those are the clues. Those answers are how I figure out what "moment" you need most in your home. From there, its finding the home that has the potential to provide that exact experience you associate to being #home.
For some buyers we go to the extreme. We see a house (or a shell of one) in the neighborhood of their dreams. The neighborhood they always imagined raising children in. A neighborhood with unique houses, winding roads and parks on every corner. This too is architecture. This is their "moment". The house however is a diamond in the rough. The beauty of my unconventional path to sales is I am both the architect and the realtor. I am the team leader and the creative. We can redesign the house knowing what the sales will look like after. And we can make the house fit the family in their perfect neighborhood.
#realtor #designer #buyers #sellers #sweetmoments #fixerupper #midwestliving #downtownliving #chicago #chicagoassociationofrealtors #businessbuilding