Over the last few weeks I've been posting a ton of pics of the cutest loft in the Wicker Park/Bucktown neighborhood of Chicago. I've received so many DMs and instant love for the unit that I thought it was only fair to share the beauty's full story. This loft has been in the MG Home Chicago family for almost 4 years.

Summer of '15
I met Thurston as a referral from past clients (turned friends). He was a single guy with a serious girlfriend and completely sick of renting. After living with roommates he was very ready to buy his first condo. We looked everywhere. Thurston came close to buying a vintage condo in Lincoln Park but backed out during a worrisome inspection. I always joke with clients that "real estate gods" have your ultimate home already picked out. And if things don't work out on a property - there is a reason. That was the same conversation we had in that Lincoln Park fixer upper. So... we kept looking.
Then all of a sudden, she appeared. A 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, timber and brick beauty of a loft in the greatest location and was listed for a round $250,000. The same day we found the condo, it was also featured in Curbed Chicago. It seemed we (Thurston, Adrienne - then gf, and myself) were in love. Small problem - so was the rest of the city! Within a day or two the unit had multiple offers on it. And I mean, MULTIPLE. If memory serves me correctly, I'm talking 4+ offers.
I went into negotiation mode and got Thurston the unit. There will be a future blog post on how to win multiple offer situations, but just know, I take it personally when I don't win. (Slightly competitive over here.) Anyway, Thurston closed on the condo in August of 2015, married Adrienne and created the perfect first home for his new family. To say these two made this condo feel like a home is an understatement but more on that in part 2 and 3 of the Wabansia Loft Story. In the meantime just know, 4 years later - a renovation, some building updates, a cross country move and a sale would bring this cutie loft to a new amazing owner. Properties are only as warm and inviting as the people who create homes in them. This property truly was the warmest home.